1. Click the start tutorial to start. You can use the magnifying glass icon to zoom in/out if needed.

Step 1 image

2. Click on Edit Button to change the vehicle

Step 2 image

3. Select the Vehicle

Step 3 image

4. The Vehicle has been changed. Click anywhere to move next.

Step 4 image

5. Click anywhere to finish the tutorial.

Step 5 image

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **





Carpool bookings are done via the user’s app on their mobile devices. Once logged in, the users will notice three buttons that will lead them to the booking page. 

Please do take note of the following:

The carpool match is the assigned person for your public or private ride.

Companions can be privately invited to match with your carpool request. If inviting multiple companions for a private ride, only one can accept.

Extra Passengers on the other hand travel on the same journey as the requested ride and do not accept a carpool match.

Do not add your co-carpooler as both companion and extra passenger.

If you have a vehicle and you are also willing to be a rider, then choosing Driver or Rider button will increase your chances of matching with another carpooler!

Below is a step-by-step video tutorial on carpool booking process.
You may also check out the detailed instructions below for more carpooling tips.
Check this tutorial for details on how to add extra passengers.

1. Create New Ride Request

To book a ride, you will need to initially input your Destination and Origin addresses.

Note: It is important that you verify the other details (Departure date & time, companion, etc.) before submitting the booking request.

It is recommended to click the icon to go into Full-Screen mode.

1.1. Changing the Vehicle
This feature allows users to choose which of his/her vehicle will be used for the ride for better experience.

As they no longer need to edit/delete vehicle and recreate ride.

Note: Changing the vehicles to a lower capacity car can not be done and requires a cancel and rebook of the ride.

1.2. Regular Rides

This feature shows your top three rides sorted by the latest Departure Time. This feature makes it easier for users to book rides, particularly for the same Origin and Destination addresses.

Note: You will still have the option to update the locations even after selecting Regular Rides.

It is recommended to click the icon to go into Full-Screen mode.

1.3. Updating Ride Details

Should you need to update a detail of your rides, you could either:

  1. Click on the Pencil icon corresponding to the ride you specifically want to update.; or
  2. Click the ride to see its details then click the three-dots icon to edit.

It is recommended to click the icon to go into Full-Screen mode.

1.4. Match Found!

For Public Rides, it is normal that a user will take time to look for a match for their ride.

Note: The system is smart enough to know if your ride will be a feasible match to another ride even if they do not have the exact same location and time details. Such matches will be flagged as "Not Optimal". There should be a prompt that states that the match is not optimal and a user may choose either proceed or not.

Tip: If you initially didn’t get a match, it is advised that you don’t cancel the request right away. Any ride that isn't matched will still be available for others to match with, right up until its departure time.

You will receive an in-app notification when your ride has found a match. Opening the notification will redirect you to another page with further details of the booked ride and the matched carpooler.


1. Click anywhere to start the tutorial. You can use the magnifying glass icon to zoom in/out if needed.

Step 1 image

2. When booking for Public Rides, it is normal that a user will take time to look for a match for their ride.

Tip: To increase your chances of getting a match, choose the Driver or Rider if you have a vehicle and is also willing to be passenger.

Step 2 image

3. Create a New Ride Request or book using your Regular Rides.

Step 3 image

4. Note: The system is smart enough to know if your ride will be a feasible match to another ride even if they do not have the exact same location and time details. Such matches will be flagged as "Not Optimal"

Step 4 image

5. There should be a prompt that states that the match is not optimal and a user may choose either proceed or not.

Step 5 image

6. If your request successfully matched with another carpooler, you will be able to see your ride's details as well as the name of your co-carpooler.

Click the check icon at the bottom of your screen to proceed with the booking.

Step 6 image

7. Your matched carpool rides will be displayed on the app's home screen with Accepted status.

Step 7 image

8. Click anywhere to finish the tutorial.

Step 8 image

It is recommended to click the icon to go into Full-Screen mode.