With a verified account to access the support portal tickets created for a company or companies associated with the user's account can be viewed and updated in the support portal. 

To get an account to access the support portal please contact [email protected] to get access.


The Portal Menu Bar

Once logged into the portal the home page will present a menu bar

Choosing anyone of the options will present the relevant information. The two key areas here are: - 

Solutions - all of the knowledge articles are presented here

Submit A Request - this is where a support request can be created which will create a ticket.

See Knowledge Database Search and Logging a Level 2 Support Request for more details on both of the above.

Tickets - this is where tickets can be reviewed and the basis of this article

Viewing Tickets in the Support Portal

Having selected Tickets from the menu the following page will display

When loading the screen choose one of the status options each time to get the list. 

There are options to choose the types of status, company (if user is a member of multiple companies) and the sort order. 

Status Options

Choose either 

ALL TICKETS - regardless of status

OPEN OR PENDING - open or pending type status

RESOLVED OR CLOSED - all tickets that are no longer open

Sort Options

The sort options are to choose either 




From there the option to choose ASCENDING or DESCENDING order can be selected. Note for the date fields it is chronologically based and for status it is alphabetical.

Company Option

If the user has access to multiple companies then the option will appear to select the specific company 

Who Created the Ticket

Once there is a list of tickets presented and the user has access to all tickets, an option to choose email address that created the ticket is presented

Selecting a Ticket

Choosing a ticket from the list will present the full information of the ticket, along the options to reply, add people to the distribution or close it.

When selecting the ticket it will open a link to the ticket. Note for sharing the url link can be copied and sent.

There are the following options

Ticket List - go back to the ticket list

Mark Ticket as Closed - if the ticket is now resolved you can mark it as Closed.

Add People to the distribution list - add people to the distribution list you wish to keep informed of the responses.

Reply to a ticket - this can be done be selecting the curved arrow or just going to the bottom to start added the reply.

Replying to a Ticket

Having selected Reply or clicked into the text box for a reply, the options are presented. These include formatting, adding images, links and attaching files. 

To add the reply select REPLY.

Having completed the reply the comment will be presented in the ticket view and notification is sent to the relevant Liftango agents as well as the distribution list.

Troubleshooting Ticket View

Currently there is an issue in the Freshdesk platform for viewing the list of tickets beyond page 1. There are several workarounds. 

Sort Order

Put the ticket list in last modified order, if this is for open tickets it will present better and allow the appropriate ticket to be selected

Export Tickets

Export the tickets using the export function to export tickets to csv

Choose the appropriate details from the export function to include in the export.

Review the list of exported tickets in the csv or xlsx file.

To access any of the tickets, in the URL address bar append the ticket number as a suffix to the portal logged into. 

See the below examples where replacing $TICKET with the ticket number will present the ticket in the browser.

On-Demand and Fixed Route portal - https://ondemand.support.liftango.com/support/tickets/$TICKET

Carpool portal - https://support.liftango.com/support/tickets/$TICKET