Once a carpooler (driver/rider) submits a booking request, notifications for updates on requested rides will be sent either via SMS, app, or email. 


Notifications Received when Carpooling

Looking for a match

After submitting a booking, the carpooler will be notified that the platform is looking for a match.

Match accepted!

When a carpool match is accepted, the carpool requestor receives a notification. Clicking it opens the ride's detail.

No Match found

If no match is found near departure, the carpool requestor receives a notification.

The Car park found and Unable to find a carpark notifications are part of a new feature to be enabled or disabled upon the request of the organisation administrators.

Car park found!

If a matched ride includes a parking spot as a reward, the carpooler receives this notification.

For steps on how to verify the specific details of the carpark assigned to you, kindly see Have I been assigned a car park for my ride? article for more details.

Unable to find a car park

If the match ride is not allocated a parking spot reward, the carpooler receives this notification.

For some of the more common reasons that you might not have been assigned a car park, please see Why wasn't I assigned a car park for my ride? article.

Carpool invite (for private rides)

When a carpooler uses the Private Ride feature to ask someone to join them as either the driver or passenger, a notification is sent.

If you would like to learn more about the Private Ride feature, you can go to this link.

Ride Cancelled

When a driver or rider cancels their part of a matched trip, a notification is sent, and the platform will try to find another match for the requested trip.

Parking Permit Removed

For a trip that has been previously matched with a parking permit, it is possible that the owner of permit would withdraw from the trip. When it happens, the driver will be notified that the parking permit has been removed for the matched trip.

Ready to Leave?

On the day of the trip, carpooler will be notified 15 minutes before it starts.

The Named Extra Passenger feature can be enabled or disabled upon the request of the origanisation administrators.

Added as a passenger to a ride request (for Named Extra Passenger)

A carpooler will also be notified when someone they know adds them as a Named Extra Passenger to their requested trip.

Who is your Driver/Passenger on your ride as a Named Extra Passenger

Once a requested trip where a carpooler has been added as a Named Extra Passenger found a match, the carpooler will be notified with a message that looks like this.

Status changes within the individual rides shown on the home screen indicate these changes within the app.

  • Receiving messages on the mobile device can depend on local settings for application notifications and whether SMS communication has been disabled. 
  • A carpooler will receive an email notification only for Ride Matched and Ride Cancelled instances.

Not receiving any email or SMS? Contact support@liftango.com